beds will always be place-able on the right hand side of the player,.The conclusion, tested in both Subnautica and Below Zero is that: Notice how the ladder is now in the middle of the room, the moonpool is now connected to the base by its wide side and the bed has had to be moved. If you built the same base but starting this way: (grassy plateau on my right) They feature a scanner room with 3 x distance upgrades and 1 x speed upgrades, a bioreactor, a lantern. Once you have all three fragments you will be able t. Depending on how deeply theyre situated, as well as the availability/distance of a heat source, it sometimes ends up being a single Multipurpose Room instead of a Moonpool so that I can place a Bioreactor. Then you have to start building the base in that orientation. In this Subnautica guide, I will be showing you the best locations for the mobile vehicle bay fragments. So, say you want to build something like that: My conclusion is that it all depends on your orientation when you place the first room of your build. You may ask, why want to rotate + shape rooms, well it's because it is possible to fit a small bed in those but, by some odd mechanic, the bed only fits in one corner of the + shape room, not all corners. (They have added moonpool rotation in below zero but the rest of the post still applies to ladders and + shape rooms). I like to create small bases with bedrooms in + shape rooms, ladders that are not in the way and moonpools that are oriented in a particular way. Recently, I spent a lot of time building in Subnautica and Below Zero.