It is also worth noting that this high CPU utilization has been persisting for more than a day and throughout a charge before I noticed it, so it may be the case that a restart is necessary to fix the I checked and this increase in CPU usage was not triggered by a phone call in my case. GSam Battery Monitor Pro 3.42 Apk for AndroidIs your battery draining too quickly Do you simply want to know how much time you have left before you need to. In the second screenshot this is clear as indicated by the steep slope for battery usage compared to the much flatter slope after the restart. It's seems that the abnormally high CPU utilization caused the battery to be consumed much faster than expected. After this point CPU utilization varied normally and only increased when the phone was actually in use. Then GSam Battery Monitor will help PROPERTIES: + Chase these battery-draining apps with the Sucker app + Overlay the battery icon with the icon pack add-on. Then, GSam Battery Monitor to the rescue 'It tracks not only the Fires battery life, but it also tells you which component or app is draining the most battery. I am going to try to wipe cache and storage then run the ADB commands again as I am not rooted. going to sleep (i.e., when the screen it off, etc.). Finding out which app that you can live without is sucking your battery with GSam is a cinch.
Wake locks are requested by an app to keep the CPU and Android up and actively running vs. Maybe revoke everything then add back qualitymove13 1 yr. Pretty sure that would be wake locks held by one or more apps on your device. ago I'm guessing it's a permissions issue. My understanding is that the cell voltage should never exceed. Mine just says 'No data available.' ridobe 1 yr. Note that for the whole of Sunday, CPU utilization remained close to 100% and CPU frequency was almost constant until I restarted my phone (as indicated by the gap in the data). 1 I downloaded the GSam battery monitor and noticed that my cell voltage is at 4.338 92f (ambient 70f) when on the charger. The first sceenshot below shows battery usage over time, together with CPU Utilization % and CPU average frequency. I found something that might help figuring out why the battery is draining faster than expected. With gsam battery monitor, after 13 beta 1, all of the values reported were showing 'X' and basically unpopulated data fields, and the app would hang.